In this episode of the FMT files we’re keeping up with the Jones’ and talking all things new. You asked for cupping so we gave you cupping. You asked for flossing, so we gave you flossing. But, what the heck are they and how do they work?
We realized that everyone learns differently, so for those of you audiovisual learners, we’ve made two special edition video
Join our very own medical director and RockTape Instructor, Dr. Steve Capobianco for a discussion on RockPods.
Follow Steve on Instagram- @fasciadoc
Join the WODdoc, otherwise known as the Dr. Tim Simansky, for an explanation of the mysterious RockFloss band.
Follow Tim on Instagram – @woddoc
For those of you more interested in reading than watching a video, here are the cliffs notes:
RockPods – RockPods are our answer to traditional myofascial cupping therapy. Each RockPod kit includes eight rubber RockPods: 4 small red pods best suited for smaller body parts like the hands and feet, and 4 larger black pods best suited for large muscle groups like the back and hamstrings.
RockPods use mechanical DECOMPRESSION to create space in the tissues, thus improving interlayer fascial gliding and assisting with blood and lymph flow. Additionally, it is believed that application of RockPods can induce a neurochemical response while also having a neurosensory effect, both of which can help to mitigate pain and improve movement. Bruising is NOT necessary in order for treatment to ‘work’, although a histamine response (skin redness) may occur as a byproduct of the treatment and should generally go away within minutes to hours. RockPods can be applied to the skin using either the plunger method or the inverted method, and left on for 3-90 seconds, depending on the desired technique. RockPods are not designed to glide, but can be used to traction the skin in specific vectors for an external glide, or used in conjunction with movement for an internal glide.
On the other end of the mobility tool spectrum we have RockFloss which utilizes COMPRESSION to improve range of motion, assist with fluid dynamics, mitigate pain, and promote recovery. RockFloss is a 7-ft long latex rubber band that comes in both 2-inch and 4-inch widths. RockFloss is designed to be wrapped around joints, limbs, and the torso, creating a compressive force at the tissues underneath. Once the treatment area has been wrapped, the practitioner or patient can use the tack of the floss to move the tissue underneath the floss for an external glide (more superficial fascial layers), or the patient can actively move through range of motion internal glide (deeper fascial layers).
RockFloss can be used before working out as part of a warm-up routine, or after as part of mobility training. It is absolutely appropriate for the clinic, and our instructors frequently post videos of clinical applications, such as for post-op ACL patients to control swelling, decrease pain, and promote movement.
RockFloss is designed to be worn 90 seconds to 3 minutes, and the tension applied will be dependent upon the desired intervention strategy. We recommend starting with 50% tension and 50% overlap of each successive wrap, with a distal to proximal bias. The scarcity of evidence has lead these bands to be deemed voodoo bands, but the clinical utility and favorable results experienced by clinicians and movement professionals alike warranted the creation of a course.
Interested in learning more? Check out the list below and sign up for a course near you. Don’t see a course in your area? Don’t fret. We’ve got a ton more courses lined up for 2019, and if you’re one of those overachievers, feel free to contact us and inquire about hosting a course at your facility.
Lastly, we’d be remiss if we didn’t talk about the newest, biggest, and baddest movement summit of the year: ROCKSTOCK.
Join us this October 27th and 28th in sunny Miami Beach, Florida for movement, learning, music, partying, and yes, you will get CEUs!!! The theme this year is Resilience and the line-up is absolutely incredible, with cameos from our very own instructors including: Dr. John Campione, Mitch Hauschildt, Dr. Court Conley aka the foot doctor, Dr. Shanté Cofield aka The Movement Maestro, Dr. Danny Porcelli, and a few other surprise guests! Tickets are on sale, and purchase not only gets you 12 CEUs, it includes happy hours, buffets, beach workouts and “The RockStock Party”!
If you know anything about us at RockTape, you know that we are anything but traditional, and when it comes to having fun, we don’t know anything but going big. These new mobility tools are game changers, and RockStock is a one-of-kind movement experience that you don’t want to miss.
Thanks for tuning in to this episode of the FMT Files. Stay tuned for Episode 2 where we discuss why our RockTape Mohawk really is a swiss army knife of a mobility tool. We’ll see you in Florida!
FMT Certifications
Functional Movement Techniques (FMT) Certification courses are led by industry leading experts in movement assessment and therapy, and present a revolutionary way of thinking about how we move and how we recover from injury.
Come get certified in taping, IASTM, and more.
Check out the FMT dates on our site!